- A Kiss Is a Terrible Thing to Waste (Version 1)
- A Kiss Is a Terrible Thing to Waste (Version 2)
- A Maiden Is Only As Maiden As She Feels
- A Man's a Man
- A Small Circle of Friends
- A Soft-Handed Gentleman
- Abe Jacob
- Ace Holleran
- Adam Kemmerer
- Aisata Blackman
- Alaina Reed
- Alan Rosenberg
- Alan Wilken
- Alex Bowen
- Alex Melcher
- Alex Thomas-Smith
- Alexander Lodge
- Alexandra Doar
- Alize Cruz
- All Revved Up with No Place to Go
- All the Dreams I Never Had
- Ally Mendoza
- Amara Campbell
- Amy Di Bartolomeo
- Amy Matthews
- Andre DeShields
- Andrea Marcovicci
- Andres Quintero
- Andrew McCarthy
- Andrew Patrick-Walker
- Andrew Polec
- Andy Prosser
- Angels Arise
- Anna-Julia Rogers
- Anne Martinez
- Anthony Selwyn
- Antonio Calanna
- April Van Amelsvoort
- Aramie Payton
- Aran MacRae
- Arden Fingerhut
- Ariana DeBose
- Arthur Wilkins
- Arturo Ui
- Aston Newman Hannington
- Avionce Hoyles
- Baal
- Back Into Hell
- Bad Attitude
- Bad for Good (album)
- Bad for Good (song)
- Barbara Rosene
- Barbershop Quartet
- Barbra Streisand
- Barney Wilkinson
- Barry Keating
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - Las Vegas (2022)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - London Dominion run (2018)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - London run (2017)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - Manchester run (2017)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - NYC Developmental Lab (2015)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - Oberhausen run (2018-2019)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - Toronto run (2017)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - Tours (2020-2021)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - UK Tour (2025)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - US Tour run (2018)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical - ongoing changes to the show
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical : A Helluva Journey (promo radio show)
- Bat Out Of Hell The Musical : Original Cast Recording
- Bat Out Of hell The Musical - New York City Center run (2019)
- Bat Out of Hell (album)
- Bat Out of Hell (musical)
- Bat Out of Hell (song)
- Bat Out of Hell 2100 (movie)
- Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell
- Bat Out of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose
- Bathoni Puplampu
- Batman (musical)
- Baxter Harris
- Beautiful Rhinegold
- Ben Harris
- Benet Monteiro
- Benjamin Purkiss
- Bernard Gersten
- Beth Woodcock
- Bette Midler
- Billie Hardy
- Billy Lewis Jr
- Billy Mintzer
- Blake
- Bloodshot Wine
- Bob Brandon
- Bobby Blume
- Bosha Johnson
- Bradley Dean
- Braver Than We Are (album)
- Braver Than We Are (song)
- Brock Putnam
- Bruce Yeko
- Byson's Back
- Carl van Wegberg
- Carla Bertan
- Carly Burns
- Catherine Saunders
- Changes Between Productions (Bat Out Of Hell: The Musical)
- Changes Between Productions By Scene (Bat Out Of Hell: The Musical)
- Charles Tokarz
- Charlie Knight
- Charlotte Anne Steen
- Chet Cahill
- Chinkachain
- Chip Tucker
- Christina Bennington
- Christopher Allport
- Christopher Cameron
- Christopher Walken
- Chuck Cooper
- City Night
- Collette Guitart
- Come Home Child/Love Song
- Come With Me
- Come in the Night
- Confidence
- Connor Crowley
- Constantine Maroulis
- Convincing Song
- Could She Be the One
- Courtney Stapleton
- Craig McNeer
- Craig Richard Nelson
- Craig Ryder
- Craig Watson
- Cry to Heaven
- Dale Soules
- Dan Koetting
- Dan Tracy
- Dance in My Pants
- Danielle Steers
- Danny Whelan
- David Bradnum
- David Eric
- David Margulies
- David Rimmer
- Davidson Lloyd
- Dawnita Smith
- Dead Ringer
- Dead Ringer for Love
- Delta House
- Dennis Birchall
- Designated Angel
- Dom Hartley-Harris
- Don Scardino
- Donny's Guitar
- Drew Lake
- Edging Into Darkness
- Edward Zang
- Edwin Owens
- Eirik Dahlen
- Ellen Foley
- Ellen Parks
- Emilie Battle
- Emily Benjamin
- Emily Beth Harrington
- Emily Schultheis
- Emma Portner
- Ending
- Ensemble
- Entr'acte
- Eric Hallengren
- Eric Michael Gillett
- Erin Mosher
- Ernest Provencher
- Ethan Tanner
- Eve Norris
- Everything Is Permitted
- Everything Louder Than Everything Else
- Falco
- Faster Than the Speed of Night (album)
- Faster Than the Speed of Night (song)
- Finn Ross
- Food of Love
- For Crying Out Loud
- Franziska Schuster
- Fred Gwynne
- Freddy Leakoula Pomee
- G.A.L.
- Gareth Owen
- Georgia Bradshaw
- Georgia Carling
- Georgia Holland
- Georgia Iudica-Davies
- Giovanni Spanó
- Give Me the Simple Life
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Flesh
- Glenn Adamson
- Go, Go, Go, Guerrillas
- Gods
- Godz
- Gonzalo Campos
- Good Girls Go to Heaven
- Good Woman of Szechuan (play)
- Gordon Stewart
- Graham Jarvis
- Graveyard Shift
- Gui Andrisano
- Hannah Ducharme
- Hannah Usemann
- Happy Ending
- Harriet Richardson-Cockerline
- Heaven Can Wait
- Hi Jim
- Holding Out for a Hero
- Hushabye
- Hymn to Fire
- I'd Do Anything for Love
- I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back
- I'm Gonna Love Her for Both of Us
- I've Been Dreaming Up a Storm Lately
- If It Ain't Broke, Break It
- If Only (More Than You Deserve)
- In the Land of the Pig, the Butcher Is King
- In the Underbelly of the Beast
- Inspirational Hymn: The God Game
- Isaac Edwards
- It's All Coming Back to Me Now
- It's Only Rock and Roll
- It Just Won't Quit
- J. Geils
- Jack Heasman
- Jacob Fearey
- Jagwire
- James Chisholm
- James Lowrie
- James Simpson
- James Wilkinson-Jones
- Jamie Jukes
- Jared Svoboda
- Jay Anderson
- Jay Scheib
- Jayme-Lee Zanoncelli
- Je'Shaun Jackson
- Jeff Southworth
- Jeff Weiss
- Jeffrey Ricca
- Jemma Alexander
- Jeremy Jordan
- Jerry Zaks
- Jessica Harper
- Jessica Hendy
- Jessica Lapp
- Jez Davidson
- Jim Steinman
- Jim Steinman Wiki
- Joanna Mendl
- Joe Hebel
- Joel Brehm
- Joelle Moses
- Johanna Albrecht
- John Glover
- John Michael Stringer
- John Pasquin
- John Seidman
- Jolijn Van De Pol
- Jon Bausor
- Jonathan Alper
- Jonathan Bishop
- Jonathan Cordin
- Jordan Frazier
- Jordan Lee Davies
- Jordan Luke Gage
- Joseph Papp
- Joseph Peacock
- Josh Mostel
- Josh Posner
- Josh Young
- Joshua Dever
- Joyce Nolen
- Julia Murney
- Julie Stark
- Justin Sargent
- Justine Rafael
- KT Sullivan
- Kalene Jeans
- Karen Walker
- Karla DeVito
- Kate Rockwell
- Kathleen Chalfant
- Kathleen Tolan
- Kathryn Posin
- Kathryn Walker
- Katie Tonkinson
- Kayla Cyphers
- Keep On Truckin'
- Keith Miller
- Kellie Gnauk
- Kenneth McMillan
- Kenneth Shippy
- Kid Champion
- Killian Thomas Lefevre
- Kim Friedman
- Kim Milford
- Kimberly Farr
- Kris Bona
- Kyle Anthony
- Kyle Becker
- Kyle Kuhlman
- Kyle Roberts
- LaChanze
- Larry Block
- Larry Dilg
- Larry Joshua
- Larry Marshall
- Laura Johnson
- Laura Wright
- Leata Galloway
- Ledoux
- Left in the Dark
- Lena Hall
- Leo Abad
- Leonardo Vieira
- Lester Malizia
- Liberation Through Pain
- Liberation Through Pleasure
- Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back
- Lincoln Clauss
- Linda Holmgren
- Lindsay Ann Crouse
- Linus Henriksson
- Little Friend from Front Street
- Live at Mohegan Sun
- Live at Nassau Coliseum
- Liz Gallagher
- Lorenzo di Girolamo
- Lorraine Crosby
- Lost Boys and Golden Girls
- Love and Death and an American Guitar
- Loving You's a Dirty Job but Somebody's Gotta Do It
- Lowell Detweiler
- Luis Avalos
- Luke Hall
- Luke Street
- Lulu Lloyd
- Lynne Barbee
- Making Love Out of Nothing at All
- Mama, You'd Better Watch Out for Your Daughter